Saturday, February 20, 2010

I'm Off to San Francisco

{image via sprinkles}

LOL! Well I'm not going for awhile, and plans aren't finalized OFFICIALLY. Fingers crossed. It's on my to-do list to get dates done and settled over the next few weeks. But in the meantime, I'm realllyyy excited to go check out all the fun touristy things to do in San Fran aka "Bay Area". Yes, I want to check out Chinatown anddd the waterfront anddd ride the cable car andddd yes, find "Full House" street. But, one thing I also want to do is check out their cupcake shops. I hear they've got a bazillion cupcake shops. LOL Jay-R even said the real reason I wanted to go to San Fran was because of their cupcake shops. To which I responded "NO" then "Not really" then "Okay maybe partially". I even found this list on the best cupcake shops there. How exciiiiting. Here's a few ones that caught my eye:
{image via miette}

{image via baked}

{image via sibby's cupcakery}

{image via teacake bake shop}

{image via kara's cupcakes}

Can you tell I got a wee obsessed?! There's so manyyy drool-worthy cupcakes. Don't know how to narrow it down.

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