Thursday, February 18, 2010

Eye Candy

You wanna hear something funny? I almost forgot how much I love makeup. Today I was on Sephora looking for some nude lipsticks for an upcoming shoot for work, anddd, well, let's just say I got distracted by all the newest items. You know on YouTube when you click on a video and it has related links? Well, Sephora somewhat does the same thing, but they get you by showing items that "You Might Also Like" and then you can't help but feel like you have to click on the product to see what it's all about. It's so frustrating too, because I'm such a sucker for cute packaging–especially lines like Benefit Cosmetics. Anywho, here are some items that I've added to my wish list, some are new, some because I like the way it's presented, and some are oldies but goodies.

This cheek stain was one of the newer items. See what I mean when I say I'm drawn to cute/pretty packaging? I already like Stila's converter, which is like a cheek stain, but I'm always on the lookout for a new product. So far the reviewers on Sephora have been kind to this item and they've given it five stars. Apparently, when you put this rosy tint on it gives off that really "natural" look.

I've been buying the juicy tubes from Lancome since grade 9, for me, I'm always on and off with this product. NARS on the other hand, was recommended to me by a makeup artist last year, and I LOVE LOVE IT! I have darker Asian skin, so Copacabana works really well with my skin tone.

I have to be honest, I've never really heard of Josie Maran until today. But, the butterflies and the bright colours caught my eye. As for eyeshadow, I don't really have a go-to brand per se, so I'm always trying different lines, as long as they have a purple/blue hue I'm sold.

Anddd the rest of my picks!! See what I mean by addicting?! ^_^.

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