Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I LOVE this GIRL: Mrs. Lilien

Okay seriously I can't get enough of Mrs. Lilien! This amazingly talented stylist (did I mention she styles for Kate Spade?!) is one of my idols. Her stuff is GOOOOORGEOUS.

And her blog is fun. She's got fun items for every type of style and she even calls them "Mrs" something. Like these items below, for the first image she coins the term"Mrs. Cooks-A-Lot" and for the blue palette she calls it "Mrs. Aquarius"! Fun. Fun. Fun.


  1. Thanks for sharing, Rosie! How had I never heard of her before?

  2. Heyyy Keener!! haha i thought you would like her.. just discovered her this week :P was going to share when you're back.. hope you're better :D
