Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Bakerella–You're My Baking Idol

I don't know how she does it, but Bakerella is officially my BAKING IDOL (hehe, hence my title post!). She makes baking look fun and easy. I remember when I first read about her cake pops (which are cake-shaped lollipops btw) I almost, the key word is almost, attempted to make them. Buttt, I just got too busy. This year, I'm hoping (*fingers crossed*) that I can make these Easter Cake Pops. They're freaking cute. The question is, do they taste as good as they look?

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! So adorable! Looks like these sweets need patience to create - a virtue I hv yet to master. Check this link out if you hv not alrdy, this woman is like the ultimate guru of patience.
