Saturday, April 24, 2010


I have severely been so behind on updating my blog. Let's see what have I been up to? It's because we had a big 25th anniversary party to plan for (I wore the dress anddd everyone said it was a great colour so score!), then I have a wedding today (I'm looking for my charger for my camera, anyone seen it?! lol) and then tomorrow I'm a judge at Bonnie Gordon's Cake Show! Anyways, on Thursday while we were prepping up for the event–Dee Daly who did our awesome makeup put this really cool stuff on us (I don't know how to explain it more elegantly), it was called Bathina by Benefit. It seriously made my face look sooo nice a dewy without it being too shiny-no more cake face. Going to Sephora and stocking up on these (fingers crossed they have them in store!). Also need to find a body shimmer, the shimmer that Steph brought from Quo was pretty nice–light and did the trick (no scent!). We'll see. Keep you posted. More pics to come, as soon as I find my darn camera charger.

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