Sunday, April 25, 2010

Shoe Wedding

Yay! 2 out of 8 weddings down. Last night, a bunch of my friends and Jay-R and I went to Juliette and Brian's wedding. It was tons of fun. It was at the Bata Shoe Museum (and cocktail style). So there were some lounges. Yummy dessert. I even had, a Mangotini, well I tried it, didn't really finish it. Best part of the night was the photo booth. Rich Bride Poor Bride was there and they kept filming us and telling us to "fake" laugh at our photos. Then the one guy was like show it to your "man" .. HAHAHA, inside my head I was like ewwww Jay-R's not my man, he's my boyfriend. Sorry. Those terms just do vibe with me well. It's so, odd! Anywho, here are some pics. Can you tell there was a shoe theme?! Off to Bonnie Gordon Cake Show now... will try and have pics uploaded soon.. I found my charger :) (it was uh, under my bed) but now I have to find my camera connector thing. Whatever you call it.

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