Sunday, April 18, 2010

Found My Dress

Yay!!! I finally found my dress. And it only took.. let's see.. my cousin Diana and I started around 11 walked for a few hours and ended around 5.. so that would be.. 6 hours.. LOL... I know crazy huh? I had given up after going into all those stores (we went into Fashion Crimes–where I was surrounded my teenagers shopping with their moms for the perfect prom dress–Meg, Hush, Huh, Original, Peach Berserk (I ALMOST BOUGHT A DRESS HERE), Champagne and Cupcakes–it was their 2 year birthday so they were having 15% off–and a whole bunch more). Luckily for Diana she knew exactly what she wanted, we went to Fashion Crimes she saw a dress she liked and nothing we saw compared to that so we ended up heading back there (pretty white dress with rosette buds descending down the left side). Jay-R was already there when we finished at Fashion Crimes. My mission was seriously to find something NOT BLACK and something that didn't look like I had already owned it. Anywho, I was already resigned to going to the mall today if I hadn't found anything (totally depressing if you think about walking all day and not being able to find something). We were on our way to go eat at Fresh when we passed by this shop on Spadina (miss something.. lol) Diana said we should check it out–I almost said no–then said what the heck, one more store couldn't hurt. And, lo and behold, what do you know?! I actually found it. It fit nice, it looks like something I've never had before, andddd the colour was pretty. I don't actually have an image of the dress, I'll have to look online. But here's the colour! LOL.

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