Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Dress Hunting

{image via Fashion Crimes}

Soooo! I have a bazillion and one weddings to go to this year–one in Minnesota (*gulp*)–the rest in Toronto. And then I have the work party to attend. And, for once, I am completely on saving mode. BUT. I am allowing myself to splurge on a dress... or two... LOL. And that is it. Heading down to Queen west soon. Will try and stop by Fashion Crimes and Peach Berserk (or maybe Betsey Johnson will have a nice sale–some of their items online look so pretty). *Fingers crossed* Here's hoping I find something that I genuinely like not only on screen but on me too :) P.s. Did I mention I'm on the hunt for something besides BLACK? LOL that's all I seem to have. LBD'S. I need colour!!!
{image via Fashion Crimes}

{images via Betsey Johnson}

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