Thursday, April 29, 2010

cool chocolate bars

*sigh* I wish we had Mast Brothers Chocolate Bars in Toronto (or even Canada). Sadly they only ship to the states. And to be honest, I've never really tried it, but this packaging is soooooo nice, makes me want to have one. Sometimes you have to judge a chocolate by its cover LOL.

Work Party

(from left to right: jenn, keener, alison, moi and steph)
Last week my co-workers and I got all dolled up for our 25th anniversary party. Here's a snapshot. I actually like b&w photos. Hides my skins imperfections LOL. This was shot my Claudia Hung, more pics from the wedding I attended on the party and cake show (still looking for that plug!).

Monday, April 26, 2010

Cake Show TBA

LOL! So I officially cannot find my camera wire to upload my photos.. :( !!! Looks like I might have to go and buy one ... grrr... in the meantime... here's something sweet to feast your eyes on... (er it's a cat jumping over an ice cream sundae in case you don't get it) i found it on (I love that site, that's where I get all my desktop backgrounds for my MAC... has the cutest graphics and they upload from various artists every week... you should check it out)..

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Bonnie Gordon Cake Show

... was incredible. Too exhausted to post pics. I will tomorrow :P

Shoe Wedding

Yay! 2 out of 8 weddings down. Last night, a bunch of my friends and Jay-R and I went to Juliette and Brian's wedding. It was tons of fun. It was at the Bata Shoe Museum (and cocktail style). So there were some lounges. Yummy dessert. I even had, a Mangotini, well I tried it, didn't really finish it. Best part of the night was the photo booth. Rich Bride Poor Bride was there and they kept filming us and telling us to "fake" laugh at our photos. Then the one guy was like show it to your "man" .. HAHAHA, inside my head I was like ewwww Jay-R's not my man, he's my boyfriend. Sorry. Those terms just do vibe with me well. It's so, odd! Anywho, here are some pics. Can you tell there was a shoe theme?! Off to Bonnie Gordon Cake Show now... will try and have pics uploaded soon.. I found my charger :) (it was uh, under my bed) but now I have to find my camera connector thing. Whatever you call it.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


I have severely been so behind on updating my blog. Let's see what have I been up to? It's because we had a big 25th anniversary party to plan for (I wore the dress anddd everyone said it was a great colour so score!), then I have a wedding today (I'm looking for my charger for my camera, anyone seen it?! lol) and then tomorrow I'm a judge at Bonnie Gordon's Cake Show! Anyways, on Thursday while we were prepping up for the event–Dee Daly who did our awesome makeup put this really cool stuff on us (I don't know how to explain it more elegantly), it was called Bathina by Benefit. It seriously made my face look sooo nice a dewy without it being too shiny-no more cake face. Going to Sephora and stocking up on these (fingers crossed they have them in store!). Also need to find a body shimmer, the shimmer that Steph brought from Quo was pretty nice–light and did the trick (no scent!). We'll see. Keep you posted. More pics to come, as soon as I find my darn camera charger.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Found My Dress

Yay!!! I finally found my dress. And it only took.. let's see.. my cousin Diana and I started around 11 walked for a few hours and ended around 5.. so that would be.. 6 hours.. LOL... I know crazy huh? I had given up after going into all those stores (we went into Fashion Crimes–where I was surrounded my teenagers shopping with their moms for the perfect prom dress–Meg, Hush, Huh, Original, Peach Berserk (I ALMOST BOUGHT A DRESS HERE), Champagne and Cupcakes–it was their 2 year birthday so they were having 15% off–and a whole bunch more). Luckily for Diana she knew exactly what she wanted, we went to Fashion Crimes she saw a dress she liked and nothing we saw compared to that so we ended up heading back there (pretty white dress with rosette buds descending down the left side). Jay-R was already there when we finished at Fashion Crimes. My mission was seriously to find something NOT BLACK and something that didn't look like I had already owned it. Anywho, I was already resigned to going to the mall today if I hadn't found anything (totally depressing if you think about walking all day and not being able to find something). We were on our way to go eat at Fresh when we passed by this shop on Spadina (miss something.. lol) Diana said we should check it out–I almost said no–then said what the heck, one more store couldn't hurt. And, lo and behold, what do you know?! I actually found it. It fit nice, it looks like something I've never had before, andddd the colour was pretty. I don't actually have an image of the dress, I'll have to look online. But here's the colour! LOL.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Paper Place

Went to the Paper Store with Jenn today. Sooooo freaking cool. It was my first time and, I have to say, it's like one of the best stores I've ever been to (could even top Banana Republic–errr–okay maybe not). But still, they had every paper in every colour scheme you could think of and their little gifties were cute too. Plan on going their on Saturday with my cousin Diana (since we'll be in the area looking for dresses for her and I).

Monday, April 12, 2010


I want to try this :)

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Just made a funny youtube video... it's coming in a few moments... stay tuned.. ^_^.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

All-Green Converse

Okkk!! So for the last few years I have always wanted green converse. But every time I look into a store, they are either a) the wrong shade of green b) not high tops c) only come in men's size d) sold out!! I know I could probably get them online (but I don't want to pay for shipping costs). Soooooo, my mission for 2010 is to find these (when I go to the states). Or, if I happen to see them when I'm downtown dress shopping.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

You Say Goodbye and I Say Helloo....

Helloo... Helloooo.... Ahhh... could this show come any sooner?! COME ON!

Electric Twist

I don't know why! But this video makes me happy.

Dress Hunting

{image via Fashion Crimes}

Soooo! I have a bazillion and one weddings to go to this year–one in Minnesota (*gulp*)–the rest in Toronto. And then I have the work party to attend. And, for once, I am completely on saving mode. BUT. I am allowing myself to splurge on a dress... or two... LOL. And that is it. Heading down to Queen west soon. Will try and stop by Fashion Crimes and Peach Berserk (or maybe Betsey Johnson will have a nice sale–some of their items online look so pretty). *Fingers crossed* Here's hoping I find something that I genuinely like not only on screen but on me too :) P.s. Did I mention I'm on the hunt for something besides BLACK? LOL that's all I seem to have. LBD'S. I need colour!!!
{image via Fashion Crimes}

{images via Betsey Johnson}

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Killer Killer Song

I love this song! Makes me want to dance.

{image via modish}

Monday, April 5, 2010

Jamie Oliver Cookbook

Today, Alison, Nicole and I were talking about cooking. I mentioned that–sadly–I have never really made a roasted chicken before. LOL. Well... come on!! The store bought ones are always so much easier and tasty too. But, yes, I suppose if I'm going to roll up my sleeves in the kitchen then, I er, should, probably start with something basic. Don't get me wrong. I do know how to cook. There are just some items on the menu that I probably should learn how to master like your basic roasted chicken. So Alison suggested getting Jamie Oliver's cookbook–The Naked Chef! I went onto his site today, and sort of got sidetracked with this tasty tart recipe. Hmm, so do I start with the tart or the chicken? ^_^.