Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Book Review: The Disappeared

Sooo I just finished reading this book. It took me a few hours (lol I read fast!). It really got me from the beginning. And I must say, it's one of the few good books that I've read in awhile. It focuses on a love story (girl meets boy, girl and boy fall in love, boy breaks girls heart etc.). But it seriously isn't your typical love story, they plot thickens (boy is from Cambodia and did I forget to mention that this story occurred during the late '70s when the genocide war occurred?). Anywho, it really leaves you hanging. The ending was (SPOILER), ok not a major spoiler, but the ending was a bit sad. Left you feeling blah!!! So now I must find something happy to cheer me up. LOL. Went onto chapters to see how others felt about the book and most liked it, others didn't like it because of the way it was written (in 3rd person), but it was different. I recommend reading it on a rainy day like today.

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