Monday, May 17, 2010

#1: Sehmi Japanese Restaurant

So after eating out (10 pounds later) for over a year and a half, Jay-R and I decided we should post allllll the yummy pictures of the food we've eaten and at what restaurants–sort of like a review, from our hungry eyes! LOL.

This was taken at Sehmi Japanese Restaurant (3015 Winston Churchill Blvd., Mississauga, ON (905) 569-1175).

We like this place because it's close to Jay-R's house, pricing is decent, we get free salmon anddd portions and sushi are fresh. We give it probably a 7 out of 10.. no wait 7.5 out of 10! Would go there again, but it's not like our ULTIMATE favourite sushi place. Still pretty good though, and it's niceeee and quiet.

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