Wednesday, May 5, 2010

1000 Awesome Things

Went to a baseball game with Nicole and Victor on Saturday andddd they were telling me about this book/blog 1000 awesome thing (which funnily enough, I've never even heard about!). Basically the person who write the blog counts down from 1000 for all the "awesome" things he find, encounters, does, etc.. It's actually really interesting, because the things he comes up with are "awesomely" true. He just released a book recently and he's counting down again from 1000–if I'm not mistaken. Makes you want to make your 1000 awesome list. Here's some recent ones on this blog:

#512 That guy who helps you parallel park
#514 Seeing a license plate from really far away in your home town (every time I got on vacation to the states with family it's alwaysss so rewarding to see a Canadian license plate)
#519 Glue movies (those movies that you watch and are stuck on watching on television, hence the GLUE)

Anyways... I started thinking about some of my awesome things.. obviously... I won't be able to come up with 1000 right now.. but... here's my personal 10 awesome things of the moment

10) Finding a book (with no hype) and having the surprise of loving it.
9) Cupcakes from Flour Studio.
8) Hearing an old song on the radio that you forgot you loved.
7) A rainy day to go with your dreary mood.
6) A sunny day to go with your happy mood.
5) Cupcakes from Flour Studio (lol yes i realized i have this at number 9)
4) Finding an "aha" dress when you're not really looking.
3) Having green lights for a long period of time.
2) Finding a seat on the subway–especially during rush hour.
1) Duckies. ^_^.

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