Thursday, May 27, 2010

coach bag inspiration board

This is the coolest thing I've stumbled upon today. This girl Emily from a blog called Cupcakes and Cashmere designed a new bag for Coach (which was out on May 19th). And this was her inspiration board. I love it!!!

I want....

... this t-shirt!!!!!!! ^_^.

Summer Time

{image via along for the ride}

I'm excited!!!!!! Summer is here. Weather is actually quite nice–no smog. ANDDD that means Cali is almost here too :)

Marie Antoinette

{image via Ananas a Miami}

I love everything about these pictures sans Kristin Dunst–hate her! Okay, maybe not hate her. But I strongly dislike her. *Sigh* if I could I would gobble up all the sweets off of the Marie Antoinette set.

meow meow

{image via flickr}

Cats aren't my #1 favourite animal.... BUT this one is so cute!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Green Tea Cake

{image via flickr}

I looooovee green tea ice cream! And today when I went to Wasabi (an all-you-can-eat sushi joint, so good but so full) I saw that they had green tea cake–which I've never tried. Now, I'm obsessed with it. It was so good–I wish I had more than a slice. Oh well! If you like green tea, you'll like the cake–trust me :)! This is the closest image I could find to it, but a little less green.

blog crush: live, laugh, love

I was looking for some yummy cupcakes to post–craving something sweet, but then I got distracted by live, laugh, love (an awesome tumblr site)! Found this dreamy post on the word "LOVE"! I like the images–because they're not corny at all.

Inspiring Image

{image via deviantart}
Wherever this is–I want to go!

Father's Day Cards

Really love these quirky ones from Rifle Design. Seriously, dad's are hard to shop for. Luckily, mine loves red velvet :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Chocolate Chip Cookies + Brownies = Brookies

Mmm!!! Saw this yummy yummy recipe from Bakerella. I think I might even have to attempt to make them this weekend–before the cherry pie!! Looks easy and soooooo good.

{image via Bakerella}

Monday, May 17, 2010

Cupcakes Made By Moi

I made these awhile ago for my co-workers. Red velvet cupcakes topped with cream cheese frosting. It passed. No one died LOL. So I guess they were deee-licious. Was fun. Have to get back into my baking habit and, um, better my piping techniques.

#1: Sehmi Japanese Restaurant

So after eating out (10 pounds later) for over a year and a half, Jay-R and I decided we should post allllll the yummy pictures of the food we've eaten and at what restaurants–sort of like a review, from our hungry eyes! LOL.

This was taken at Sehmi Japanese Restaurant (3015 Winston Churchill Blvd., Mississauga, ON (905) 569-1175).

We like this place because it's close to Jay-R's house, pricing is decent, we get free salmon anddd portions and sushi are fresh. We give it probably a 7 out of 10.. no wait 7.5 out of 10! Would go there again, but it's not like our ULTIMATE favourite sushi place. Still pretty good though, and it's niceeee and quiet.

Nonpareil Magazine

OMG!!! I LOVE this digital mag. It's filled with DIY goodness galore. And they have really cute downloads. I like this one (desserts with a twist) and this recipe card idea. Makes me want to have one of those girly tea parties, for no good reason.

{all images via Nonpareil Magazine}

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Longchamp Bag

GULP! So I have two secret splurges that I want for this summer one being a Longchamp bag the other being shoes (hehe, I'll tell you about them when I find the perfect pair!). Just deciding on what colour bag to get.

OMG Red Velvet Pancake

{image via the Kitchy Kitchen}

WHOAAAAAA!! Sorry. I'm a bit over-excited. I love red velvet. I love pancakes. So when I saw this recipe, I thought, now that sounds like a match made in heaven, or not LOL. Anyways, I will DEFINITELY try this out this weekend.

Currently Listening To: California Girls by Katy Perry

I <3 this song. LOL. Makes me think of California. Only 2 more months to go. Woohoo!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Current Obsession: Chiyogami Paper

(image via flickr)

Ever since we saw Chiyogami paper at the Paper Store a few months ago–I've been obsessed. I have a pattern in my mind (that I'm pretty sure I saw somewhere, either at the store or on a dress) and I can't seem to find it anywhere. It's navy blue with small florals in pastel colours of coral and maybeeeee mint green and a pale yellow? LOL that doesn't help at all. Anyways–sort of looks like this pattern above, but not.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Lash Extensions

UPDATE: Today went to the salon for work and got LASH EXTENSIONS. They are wickedly cool–lol is that even a proper phrase?! Anyways, they last for about a monthhhh, I have yet to take a picture. I'm not sure I will. But I'll try and find an image (that's not too weird!) to show.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Currently listening to: Kissing You-Miranda Cosgrove

1000 Awesome Things

Went to a baseball game with Nicole and Victor on Saturday andddd they were telling me about this book/blog 1000 awesome thing (which funnily enough, I've never even heard about!). Basically the person who write the blog counts down from 1000 for all the "awesome" things he find, encounters, does, etc.. It's actually really interesting, because the things he comes up with are "awesomely" true. He just released a book recently and he's counting down again from 1000–if I'm not mistaken. Makes you want to make your 1000 awesome list. Here's some recent ones on this blog:

#512 That guy who helps you parallel park
#514 Seeing a license plate from really far away in your home town (every time I got on vacation to the states with family it's alwaysss so rewarding to see a Canadian license plate)
#519 Glue movies (those movies that you watch and are stuck on watching on television, hence the GLUE)

Anyways... I started thinking about some of my awesome things.. obviously... I won't be able to come up with 1000 right now.. but... here's my personal 10 awesome things of the moment

10) Finding a book (with no hype) and having the surprise of loving it.
9) Cupcakes from Flour Studio.
8) Hearing an old song on the radio that you forgot you loved.
7) A rainy day to go with your dreary mood.
6) A sunny day to go with your happy mood.
5) Cupcakes from Flour Studio (lol yes i realized i have this at number 9)
4) Finding an "aha" dress when you're not really looking.
3) Having green lights for a long period of time.
2) Finding a seat on the subway–especially during rush hour.
1) Duckies. ^_^.

chhhh-chhhh-cherrryyy pie

We got a copy of Canadian Family in the office and they had this mouthwatering cherry pie (suppose to be like the pies of all pies). I'm going to try it on the weekend ^_^. If I can get my hands on wathumacall it–oh yeah marzipan or almond paste. Wish me luck.

Book Review: The Disappeared

Sooo I just finished reading this book. It took me a few hours (lol I read fast!). It really got me from the beginning. And I must say, it's one of the few good books that I've read in awhile. It focuses on a love story (girl meets boy, girl and boy fall in love, boy breaks girls heart etc.). But it seriously isn't your typical love story, they plot thickens (boy is from Cambodia and did I forget to mention that this story occurred during the late '70s when the genocide war occurred?). Anywho, it really leaves you hanging. The ending was (SPOILER), ok not a major spoiler, but the ending was a bit sad. Left you feeling blah!!! So now I must find something happy to cheer me up. LOL. Went onto chapters to see how others felt about the book and most liked it, others didn't like it because of the way it was written (in 3rd person), but it was different. I recommend reading it on a rainy day like today.

Monday, May 3, 2010

iPhone Wallpaper

Found out that Veer has free iPhone wallpaper. So pretty. So cool. So many! I don't know which one to decide one. Here are some of my faves.