Friday, March 26, 2010

Current Mood: Happy

Forgive me. I suck at uploading this week. I've been tired. And tired. And more tired. LOL. I really do need to get kick-start my butt into spring mode. Today the sun was shining and you know what I did? I slept!!! Took a nice nap on a Friday evening. I haven't done that in awhile. I contemplated going out, but I was so tired. Now I feel a bit more rejuvenated. And tomorrowww, I'm excited. Jay-R and I made a day date to go eat, and actually go out instead of watching a movie LOL (ok we still might do that, but in the night). Anyways, now I that I'm feeling a bit more uplifted I wanted to post images that really captured my mood–Happy. Light. and PRETTY. Um, there's a lot. :P

{all images via mary ruffle}

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