Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Monday, March 29, 2010

C is for Cute Cupcakes

{image via Devella}

Muahaha! I love these dudes.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Currently Listening To: Hey, Soul Sister

Umm! I love this song. Hey, Soul Sister by Train. Just heard them in the car today after Pho with Jay-R (I actually only heard the last few seconds and already loved it!). And now that I've listened to the whole song, I love it even more :) Enjoy.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Current Mood: Happy

Forgive me. I suck at uploading this week. I've been tired. And tired. And more tired. LOL. I really do need to get kick-start my butt into spring mode. Today the sun was shining and you know what I did? I slept!!! Took a nice nap on a Friday evening. I haven't done that in awhile. I contemplated going out, but I was so tired. Now I feel a bit more rejuvenated. And tomorrowww, I'm excited. Jay-R and I made a day date to go eat, and actually go out instead of watching a movie LOL (ok we still might do that, but in the night). Anyways, now I that I'm feeling a bit more uplifted I wanted to post images that really captured my mood–Happy. Light. and PRETTY. Um, there's a lot. :P

{all images via mary ruffle}

Monday, March 22, 2010

Beauty and the Beast

Ahh!!! Later on I plan to finish watching one of my all-time fave Disney movies–Beauty and the Beast. LOL. I think I've seen it, likeee a bazillion times. Sing with me nowwww..

Little town
It's a quiet village
Ev'ry day
Like the one before
Little town
Full of little people
Waking up to say:

[Townsfolk:] Bonjour!
Bonjour! Bonjour! Bonjour!

There goes the baker with his tray, like always
The same old bread and rolls to sell
Ev'ry morning just the same
Since the morning that we came
To this poor provincial town

[Baker:] Good Morning, Belle!
[Belle:] 'Morning, Monsieur.
[Baker:] Where are you off to?
[Belle:] The bookshop.
I just finished the most wonderful
story about a beanstalk and an ogre and a -
[Baker:] That's nice. Marie! The baguettes! Hurry up!

[Townsfolk:] Look there she goes that girl is strange, no
Dazed and distracted, can't you tell?
Never part of any crowd
'Cause her head's up on some cloud
No denying she's a funny girl that Belle

[Man I:] Bonjour
[Woman I:] Good day
[Man I:] How is your fam'ly?
[Woman II:] Bonjour
[Man II:] Good day
[Woman II:] How is your wife?
[Woman III:] I need six eggs
[Man III:] That's too expensive
[Belle:] There must be more than this provincial life

[Bookseller:] Ah, Belle.
[Belle:] Good Morning. I've come to return the book
I borrowed.
[Bookseller:] Finished already?
[Belle:] Oh, I couldn't put it down.
Have you got anything new?
[Bookseller:] Ha Ha! Not since yesterday.
[Belle:] That's all right. I'll borrow . . . . . this one!
[Bookseller:] That one? But you've read it twice!
[Belle:] Well, it's my favorite! Far off places, daring
swordfights, magic
spells, a prince in disguise -
[Bookseller:] If you like it all that much, it's yours!
[Belle:] But sir!
[Bookseller:] I insist.
[Belle:] Well, thank you. Thank you very much!

Look there she goes that girl is so peculiar
I wonder if she's feeling well
With a dreamy far-off look
And her nose stuck in a book
What a puzzle to the rest of us is Belle

[Belle:] Oh, isn't this amazing?
It's my fav'rite part because you'll see
Here's where she meets Prince Charming
But she won't discover that it's him 'til chapter three

[Woman:] Now it's no wonder that her name means "beauty"
Her looks have got no parallel
[Shopkeeper:] But behind that fair facade
I'm afraid she's rather odd
Very diff'rent from the rest of us
[Townsfolk:] She's nothing like the rest of us
Yes, diff'rent from the rest of us is Belle

[LeFou:] Wow! You didn't miss a shot, Gaston! You're the
greatest hunter
in the whole world!
[Gaston:] I know.
[LeFou:] No beast alive stands a chance against you.
Ha ha ha!
And no girl,
for that matter.
[Gaston:] It's true, LeFou.
And I've got my sights set on that one.
[LeFou:] Hm! The inventor's daughter?
[Gaston:] She's the one - the lucky girl I'm going to marry.
[LeFou:] But she's -
[Gaston:] The most beautiful girl in town.
[LeFou:] I know, but -
[Gaston:] That makes her the best.
And don't I deserve the best?
[LeFou:] Well, of course! I mean you do, but -

Right from the moment when I met her, saw her
I said she's gorgeous and I fell
Here in town there's only she
Who is beautiful as me
So I'm making plans to woo and marry Belle

Look there he goes
Isn't he dreamy?
Monsieur Gaston
Oh he's so cute
Be still my heart
I'm hardly breathing
He's such a tall, dark, strong and handsome brute

[Man I:] Bonjour!
[Gaston:] Pardon
[Man II:] Good day
[Man III:] Mais oui!
[Matron:] You call this bacon?
[Woman I:] What lovely grapes!
[Man IV:] Some cheese
[Woman II:] Ten yards
[Man IV:] one pound
[Gaston:] 'scuse me!
[Cheese merchant:] I'll get the knife
[Gaston:] Please let me
[Woman I:] This bread -
[Man V:] Those fish -
[Woman I:] it's stale!
[Man V:] they smell!
[Baker:] Madame's mistaken.
[Belle:] There must be more than this provincial life!
[Gaston:] Just watch, I'm going to make Belle my wife!

Look there she goes a girl
who's strange but special
A most peculiar mad'moiselle
It's a pity and a sin
She doesn't quite fit in
'Cause she really is a funny girl
A beauty but a funny girl
She really is a funny girl
That Belle

Sunday, March 21, 2010

We All Scream For...

ICE CREAM!! That's what I'm craving right now even though I'm sick. I know I'm weird. But look at this picture. Looks so cold and sweet. Exactly what I need. ^_^.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Pingg Me

Where's the sun?! I can't believe the weather was so nice all week and then we get stuck with this. (*two thumbs down*). And to top it all off I've got this sore throat that I can't seem to shake off (*double two thumbs down*). Anyways. To cheer me up I thought I would blab about how amazing is. It's sort of this interactive stationery site where you choose a certain design you like for anything (thank-you card, love you card, sympathy card, etc.). Then once you're done, you just send the design anddd it prints it for you–er, albeit with a cost of course. It's really cool, they have a lot of ready-made designs, but you can also create your own. Here are some of my faves. I like the one above designed by Leigh Viner because it's really retro. She also has an etsy site check her out at jkldesign. And here are the rest of my faves! ^_^.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Bunny Love Part 2

And more rabbit cuteness. I want HER. ^_^. And a bunch of other buttons from TeaandLaundry Shop–funny name–but I totally dig it. =

Bunny Love

{image via makeitawesome}

As most of you may know, I love bunnies. I've had this stuffed animal Mrs. Rabbit since, well, the day I was born. LOL. She's 25 and still in so-so condition. Jay-R thought I was mad, because I was trying to look for her on ebay to see how much she would be worth. Anyways. This is not her. But here's a cashmere bunny print that's almost just as cute.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Quote Images

Today I was looking for "thank you" poems and came across these neat and inspiring quote images. They're really girly, but totally uplifting–especially on a gray day like today.

{images via}

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Taylor Swift Greeting Cards

I went to Carlton Cards today to get a thank you card, and right when I was about to cash out I saw Taylor Swift's newest card collection. And *sigh* I have to admit, they're pretty darn cute.