Sunday, July 4, 2010


So it appears I've neglected my blog for... oohhhh about... a gazillion months. SORRY! It's been one of those crazy years. A gazillion weddings, a gazillion work, a gazillion events. BUT, hopefully I'll be able to do the upkeep on this blog for the next while–that is at least until I head off to San Fran. Then I'm off for about a good week. Anyways, today, I thought I'd start off with one of my latest obsessions: FIFI LAPIN. For those of you that don't know–I LOVE RABBITS/BUNNIES/HARES! And Fifi is this fictional bunny who not only happens to be cute but fashionable as well. Actually, she's more fashionable than I ever could be–but I do love to look at her fashion-inspired outfits. Right now I'm obsessed with her latest collaboration with the new Fifi Lapin Vaudeville collection for LeSportSac. I WANT THEM ALL–especially the totes.. that's only like $72 LOL.

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