Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Food Blog

That's what Alison and Jenn suggested I started doing. Er, the only problem is, I'm horrible at taking photos of food, they either don't look as good OR I've forgotten my digital camera at home. Anyways, today we had an amazing apple crumble pie topped with vanilla ice cream (made me go into a food coma–but oh so worth it). Since I didn't have my camera handy, I went to Cannelle et Vanille (my other favourite food blog–no seriously they are my IDOLS) to find an image that was similar to the delicious pie we had today. It's not exactly similar, but looks tempting nonetheless, non?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Something Magical

{image via iamchanelle}

Right now I'm working away on a few stories–something MAGICAL. LOL. And I needed some words and inspiration to inspire me. So I went to flickr typed in: MAGICAL. And aside from the magic kingdom, this is what I got instead–it's not exactly what I'm looking for, but if I was writing about pancakes, I'd say these magical buttermilk pancakes would fit the bill. Yum!


Grrr.. if only I had as much time, talent and passion as Bakerella, I totally would dedicate my days to baking. Right now she has these mouthwatering whoopie pies, which look oh-so-delicious!!!!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Ballet Flats

LOVE all these from J. Crew!

Sweet Art

I discovered Natalia Factory the other day, while I was looking for a neat desktop on pixelgirl–this site that has really cute and creative desktop from various artists. Her work is uber-cute and uber-me. Why?! Well, she does these really cool "vector" things LOL, I'm so bad at those types of terms. Anyways her art is a mix of cute and FOOD–especially sweets stuff. Here are some of my faves.

Monday, July 5, 2010

I want....

to see this movie. Even though it came out 4 years ago!!!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Current Obsession: What Katie Ate

{image via decor8}

Ok, I know the title can sound a little–stalkerish. But trust me, it's not. What Katie Ate is a blog, a food blog to be precise, a food photography blog to be even more precise. Anddd everything on this blog looks deeeeee-lish. You must check it out!


So it appears I've neglected my blog for... oohhhh about... a gazillion months. SORRY! It's been one of those crazy years. A gazillion weddings, a gazillion work, a gazillion events. BUT, hopefully I'll be able to do the upkeep on this blog for the next while–that is at least until I head off to San Fran. Then I'm off for about a good week. Anyways, today, I thought I'd start off with one of my latest obsessions: FIFI LAPIN. For those of you that don't know–I LOVE RABBITS/BUNNIES/HARES! And Fifi is this fictional bunny who not only happens to be cute but fashionable as well. Actually, she's more fashionable than I ever could be–but I do love to look at her fashion-inspired outfits. Right now I'm obsessed with her latest collaboration with the new Fifi Lapin Vaudeville collection for LeSportSac. I WANT THEM ALL–especially the totes.. that's only like $72 LOL.